PGS Assessment Validation Workshop (Virtual)
Save the date: Invitation for a get together of PGS actors: Understanding Dynamics of Farmers and Traders in the PGS context
Friday 28th of October
Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82881784581?pwd=ZEVVYThhemZRTTVVZjU4Qis2dFF0Zz09
- Participants: the event is open to everybody interested in PGS – in particular the participants of the study are invited, no registration is necessary, no limitation of participant is needed,
- Language: English
- This online events includes:
- First results of the study conducted by Anna-Lena Ahlf: case study of PGS-groups (Machakos, Murang’a, INOGOF Kiambu, Kiserian/Ngong, Kikuyu Organic Kiambu) and traders (Sylvias Basket, Carrefour, Fine Aromas, Green Spoon, Bridges Restaurant, Cornershop)
- The opportunity for further exchange and discussion of different PGS members and traders and other interested actors
- Is suitable for actors besides farmers and traders that are interested in PGS involvement