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Organic Market Development

Kilimohai Organic™ certification is a thorough system that ensures agricultural and natural products meet the strict standards of the East Africa Organic Products Standards (EAOPS). This certification covers the entire process, from production to retail, to ensure that each step and involved stakeholder follow organic principles. Kilimohai Organic involves two different types of certification processes, each designed for different groups within the organic industry:

Organic Market Development

KOAN Organic Market Survey - The latest statistics from KOAN featuring the status of Kenya’s organic sector
The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends – The latest international organic statistics featuring the status of organic sector development at the global level

Certification & Organic standards

East Africa Organic Product Standard – The rulebook for PGS certification in East Africa
EU Standards - The rulebook for organic certification for the European market
NOP Standards – The rulebook for organic certification for the U.S. market

Training materials & organic extension

Booklet 1 – Organic Agriculture
Booklet 2 – The Living Soil
Booklet 3 – Soil Fertility
Booklet 4 – Composting
Booklet 5 – Green Manure
Booklet 6 – Soil and Water Conservation
Booklet 7 – Soil Tillage
Booklet 8 – Crop Rotation and Its role in Soil Fertility
Booklet 9 – Cropping Systems
Booklet 10a – Crop Protection
Booklet 10b – Crop Pest Protection
Biovision Infonet – Different relevant information for organic extension
FiBL Organic African Resources – Compendium of best organic practices in the context of Africa

Agroecology Actors

Here is a list of notable Kenyan organizations in the agroecology space:

  1. Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (KOAN) Promotes organic agriculture through advocacy, certification, and training. KOAN
  2. Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT): Supports sustainable agriculture and development through knowledge dissemination and policy advocacy. BvAT
  3. Kenya Institute of Organic Farming (KIOF) Provides training and resources for organic farming practices. KIOF
  4. International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) Research on integrated pest management and sustainable agricultural practices. ICIPE
  5. World Agroforestry (ICRAF) Promotes agroforestry systems for sustainable land use and improved livelihoods. ICRAF
  6. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO): Implements research and development projects using sustainable agricultural practices and technologies. KALRO
  7. Agroecology Hub Kenya: Provides a collaborative platform for promoting agroecological practices and policies. Agroecology Hub Kenya
  8. Grow Biointensive Agriculture Centre of Kenya (G-BIACK): Trains farmers in biointensive and sustainable farming methods. G-BIACK
  9. Kenya Youth in Agribusiness (KYIA) Engages youth in sustainable agribusiness ventures and training. KYIA
  10. Seed Savers Network Kenya: Conservation and promotion of indigenous seeds through community seed banks and education. Seed Savers Network Kenya
  11. Institute for Culture and Ecology (ICE): Promotes ecological agriculture and cultural diversity for sustainable development. ICE
  12. Farm Africa: Supports smallholder farmers with sustainable agricultural practices and market access. Farm Africa
  13. Practical Action Kenya: Implements sustainable agriculture projects that empower communities to improve their livelihoods. Practical Action Kenya
  14. Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Kenya: Promotes ecological land use and sustainable agriculture through networking and capacity building.  PELUM Kenya
  15. Slow Food Kenya: Promotes local food biodiversity and sustainable food production systems. Slow Food Kenya

Other Resources - Best PGS Group of the month

Kilimohai Organic Leaflet – A simple brochure explaining Kilimohoi Organic
Organic Quiz – A nice quick and simple way of testing and improving your organic knowledge
Best PGS Group of the month
Kikuyu Organic Farmers
Machakos Organic Farmer Cooperative
Ruma Organic Farmers (ROFA)
3000 NOOYA PGS Group
Yetana Women Group
Kirinyaga Organic Farmers Cooperative